CARTEEH’s third annual Summer Internship program kicked off on May 30, 2023, and concluded on August 4, 2023. This program was held jointly with the internship program for the National Institute for Congestion Reduction (NICR). Four upper-level undergraduates interested in transportation emissions, energy, and health spent 10 weeks in the CARTEEH offices this summer. They participated in professional development activities, technical tours, and research presentations throughout the summer. Each intern took on a chosen research topic under the guidance of a TTI researcher serving as their mentor and presented their research at TTI’s Hall of Honor Conference room. Links to their presentation can be found below.
Congratulations to CARTEEH’s 2023 Summer Interns.

Alireza Mahdaviarab, Texas A&M University

Hernan Vega-Camacho, University of Puerto Rico

Kristie Ulloa Yoshikawa, Texas A&M University

Shreya Sunkari, University of Texas at Austin