The Breathe Easy Dallas is a collaborative initiative which aims to fill important gaps at the intersection of air quality and human health; advance scientific understanding of the problem and proposed solutions; help guide and design locally effective solutions; and provide a replicable model for leveraging both nature-based and non-nature-based interventions to benefit public health. This report documents a sub-study in the Breathe Easy Dallas project, which is focused on assessing the performance and calibration of low-cost air quality sensors in the field.
Research Investigators (PI*)
Haneen Khreis*, Ph.D., Texas A&M Transportation Institute
Kathy Jack, Ph.D., The Nature Conservancy
Jeremy Johnson, PMP., Texas A&M Transportation Institute
Eun Sug Park, Ph.D., Texas A&M Transportation Institute
Bahar Dadashova, Ph.D., Texas A&M Transportation Institute
John Marshall Medeiros, Texas A&M Transportation Institute
Project Summary
Project Information
Start Date: July 15, 2018
End Date: Dec. 15, 2021
Status: Active
Grant Number: TX CLIMATE P118771
Source Organization: The Nature Conservancy
Project Number: M1802879 / 610711
The Nature Conservancy
4245 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 100
Arlington, VA 22203-1606
Performing Organization
Texas A&M Transportation Institute
Texas A&M University System
1111 RELLIS PARKWAY, Bryan, TX 77807