The Center for Advancing Research in Transportation Emissions, Energy and Health (CARTEEH) awarded this year’s 2017 University Transportation Center (UTC) Student of the Year award to Alana Wilson, a second-year master’s student at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
This award has been made for the past 25 years by the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) and is created to honor an outstanding student from each active UTC. The rigorous selection process is based on accomplishments in technical merit and research capability, academic performance, and leadership.
“I am very excited to have been nominated and selected for this award. I have really enjoyed working for Dr. Rodgers the past three years and have enjoyed focusing in on the fields of transportation and air quality with the CARTEEH Ports project,” said Alana Wilson. “I look forward to attending TRB in January and expanding my understanding of other work done in these fields.”
Alana Wilson, this year’s Student of the Year award winner, has worked as a student research assistant for the past three years working on research projects in transportation, air quality, and alternative energy. She currently works on a CARTEEH project focused on modeling population exposures related to emissions generated by port operations with Michael Rodgers, Ph.D., Principal Research Scientist and Adjunct Professor.
“Alana has been working in our laboratory for almost three years as both an undergraduate and graduate student,” said Michael Rodgers, Ph.D. “She is incredibly intelligent, versatile and diligent.”
As the Student of the Year award winner, Alana Wilson receives a trip to the 2018 TRB Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. and a $1,000 stipend. During the 2018 TRB Annual Meeting a special ceremony will be held to honor the Student of the Year award winners.
Adan Rangel, this year’s Student of the Year runner-up is studying at the University of Texas at El Paso where he is researching underserved communities at a higher risk to being exposed to excess levels of air pollution. Adan will also receive a trip to the 2018 TRB Annual Meeting.
CARTEEH is pleased to recognize the outstanding accomplishments and educational achievement of this year’s Student of the Year award winners. We look forward to seeing the contributions that these up and coming researchers will be making in the transportation field.