Data Collection
Measuring physical accessibility to health facilities—a case study on Khulna City
Serani (2011) carried out a study to measure the distance in terms of the accessibility to health care services in Khulna City. He measured the accessibility by measuring the distance in miles to these facilities (health care), and the time required to reach the nearest health facility. According to the study’s results, some locations require individuals to drive more than 3 kilometers to reach a healthcare facility, which is a difficult task given the lack of available transportation. The travel distance from each hexagon’s center to the facility’s location was computed. According to the findings, 40% of the population lives within 500 meters of a UPHCC, 15.25% within 500 meters of a government hospital, and 22.64% within 500 meters of a private hospital. Additionally, a healthcare facility is just 1.5 km away from most of the population. The results clarified the significance of having facilities close to the community, as this would encourage many commuters to engage in active transportation.