Publications generated for the University Transportation Center Funded by the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act
Exploring the Spatial-temporal dynamics of travel patterns and air pollution exposure of E-scooters
Suriya Vallamsundar, Texas A&M Transportation Institute

Urban policy interventions to reduce traffic-related emissions and air pollution: A systematic evidence map
Haneen Khreis, Texas A&M Transportation Institute

Burden of disease from transportation noise and motor vehicle crashes: Analysis of data from Houston, Texas
Soheil Sohrabi, Texas A&M Transportation Institute

Fourteen pathways between urban transportation and health: A conceptual model and literature review
Andrew Glazener, Texas A&M Transportation Institute

Understanding Potential Exposure of Bicyclists on Roadways to Traffic-Related Air Pollution: Findings from El Paso, Texas, Using Strava Metro Data
Kyuhyun Lee, Texas A&M Transportation Institute

The State of the Literature on Traffic-Related Emissions, Air Pollution, Human Exposures, and Health
Kristen A. Sanchez, Texas A&M Transportation Institute

Traffic-Related Air Pollution and the Burden of Childhood Asthma in the Contiguous United States in 2000 and 2010
Raed Alotaibi, Texas A&M Transportation Institute

Transforming Our Cities: Best Practice Towards Clean Air and Active Transportation
Kyuhyun Lee, Texas A&M Transportation Institute

Using the 13C/12C carbon isotope ratio to characterise the emission sources of airborne particulate matter: a review of literature
Juan Aguilera, University of Texas at El Paso

Maternal Exposure to PM2.5 in South Texas, a Pilot Study
Misti Levy Zamora, Johns Hopkins

Near-Road Traffic-Related Air Pollution: Resuspended PM2.5 from Highways and Arterials
Mohammad Hashem Askariyeh, Texas A&M University

Burden of disease from transportation noise and motor vehicle crashes: Analysis of data from Houston, Texas
Soheil Sohrabi, Texas A&M Transportation Institute

New Opportunities to Mitigate the Burden of Disease Caused by Traffic Related Air Pollution: Antioxidant-Rich Diets and Supplements
Jillian Barthelemy, Texas A&M Transportation Institute

Applying Wind Erosion and Air Dispersion Models to Characterize Dust Hazard to Highway Safety at Lordsburg Playa, New Mexico, USA
Iyasu G. Eibedingil, University of Texas at El Paso

Land-Use Regression of Long-Term Transportation Data on Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors in Low-Income Communities
Juan Aguilerai, University of Texas at El Paso

Dust Emission Source Characterization for Visibility Hazard Assessment on Lordsburg Playa in Southwestern New Mexico, USA
R. Scott Van Pelt, USDA Agricultural Research Service

Urban policy interventions to reduce traffic emissions and traffic-related air pollution: Protocol for a systematic evidence map
Kristen A. Sanchez, Texas A&M Transportation Institute

Children’s Exposure to Vehicular Pollution: Environmental Injustice in Texas, USA
Jayajit Chakraborty, University of Texas at El Paso

AuNP aggregation-induced quantitative colorimetric aptasensing of sulfadimethoxine with a smartphone
Xiaoliang Zhang, Taiyuan University of Technology

Recent innovations in cost-effective polymer and paper hybrid microfluidic devices
Wan Zhou, University of Texas at El Paso

Detector-Free Photothermal Bar-Chart Microfluidic Chips (PT-Chips) for Visual Quantitative Detection of Biomarkers
Wan Zhou, University of Texas at El Paso

Multicolorimetric ELISA biosensors on a paper/polymer hybrid analytical device for visual point-of-care detection of infection diseases
Lei Ma, University of Texas at El Paso

Assessment of traffic-related air pollution (TRAP) at two near-road schools and residence in El Paso, Texas, USA
Adan Rangel, University of Texas at El Paso