How it Helps
Speed Posting & Monitoring:
The use of advisory speed postings should be encouraged, particularly in areas where a lower speed may not be obvious to the driver. This may be placed along roadway curves or within areas with pedestrians, as this will inform drivers of a safe operating speed to navigate road hazards.5 It is also necessary to have technologies like traffic cameras or speed monitoring devices to help identify and capture drivers who travel at high speeds.6
Street or Road Designs:
The road and street designs should include enhanced cycling infrastructure, enhanced junction crossing, reduced speed limits, and traffic calming. This will reduce road speeds which will decrease accidents and deaths on the roadways. Additionally, improved road designs that separate slow-moving, non-motorized transit (such as bicycles and pedestrians) from fast-moving, motorized transport would significantly increase road safety in developing nations.7 Additionally, physical measures like speed humps and pavement markings may be constructed on roadways to reduce road speeds. In areas where pedestrian traffic accidents occur often, they have enormously positive consequences.
1) Massachusetts Department of Transportation Toolkit
The Massachusetts Department of Transportation offers a safe speeds toolkit for users to learn about speed management countermeasures to reduce motor vehicle crashes.
2) National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO)
NACTO is dedicated to assisting urban areas in achieving their objectives for more robust, safe, and accessible communities and transportation systems. NACTO advances state of the art for street design, prioritizing pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users. To guarantee the safety of drivers and all other road users, NACTO is actively engaged in strategies to lower road speeds.