Estimation Technique
Quantified health benefits of reduced emissions include avoided cases of illness (morbidity), fewer premature deaths (mortality) and life years gained from an extension in life expectancy among the exposed population.
Center for Advancing Research in Transportation Emissions, Energy, and Health (CARTEEH)
A USDOT University Transportation Center
iSThAT is a simplified methodological framework and accompanying software tool for the evaluation of the health and economic benefits of carbon reduction measures in the context of urban transportation.
The tool supports the identification of alternative transportation choices based on sound, reproducible, science-based reasoning. Additionally, it is a user-friendly, interactive Excel-based tool for evaluating carbon mitigation alternatives in surface transportation for informational and educational purposes.
The tool is intended for use by local authorities, including their advisers and technical staff, as well as regulators, urban planners, private/public enterprises, nongovernmental organizations and educators.
This tool will help achieve the goal of the following objectives