The Center for Advancing Research in Transportation Emissions, Energy and Health (CARTEEH) will host a webinar on Wednesday, September 18, 2024 from 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. CST with Dr. Seungju Yoon to discuss the connections between non-exhaust PM emissions and their potential health effects.
Non-exhaust emissions from mobile sources have increased as tailpipe emissions have been substantially reduced in response to stringent emissions standards in California. Understanding the characteristics of brake- and tire-wear emissions would be the primary task in assessing potential adverse health effects of the emissions, particularly in communities near roads, due to the presence of heavy metals in the PM. The California Air Resources Board has undertaken investigations to characterize airborne non-exhaust PM emissions and their potential health effects. This webinar will outline its overarching research goals, the findings from completed studies, and the status of ongoing research in California.
- Click here to download the webinar flyer
- Click here on the day of the event to join the webinar
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Dr. Seungju Yoon
California Air Resources Board
Dr. Yoon oversees mobile source research programs at the California Air Resources Board; characterizing in-use vehicle activity, emissions, and energy use and their impact on community exposure and air quality, investigating emissions and energy use reduction opportunities using laboratory, remote-sensing, on-board data-logging, and innovative sensor technologies, and understanding non-exhaust emissions such as brake-, tire-wear, and wheel-wear emissions. Dr. Yoon has directed multiple non-exhaust emissions research programs, including brake-wear measurement and chemical characterization, roadside non-exhaust emissions measurement, in-use vehicle non-exhaust emission measurement and exposure assessment, and train brake and wheel-wear characterization. Dr. Yoon holds a master’s degree in environmental engineering- air pollution control and a Ph.D. in civil engineering- transportation systems from the Georgia Institute of Technology. He has over 25 years of experience in transportation and air quality research and policy development.